petite anglaise

March 7, 2005


Filed under: misc — petiteanglaiseparis @ 10:00 am

As you know, Mr Frog and I are eloping to Madrid this weekend. Weather permitting. And minus the wedding. Actually I plan to spend some quality time sleeping in, shoveling tapas down my gullet and putting my credit cards through their paces, reminding them of the meaning of the phrase ‘retail therapy’.

Our hotel claims to have internet connections and all manner of hi tech accoutrements, but as I don’t have a laptop, I doubt I will be able to blog before I get home on Tuesday evening.

Feel free to trawl through the archives in my absence (even if on older posts the comments are closed in an attempt to prevent trackback spam). You might find the categories in the sidebar useful.

May I also suggest that you pay a gag reflex a visit, start from the beginning, and read to the end. I can’t read any of Cori’s posts without imagining her story being translated to the silver screen and aired at Sundance to rapturous applause.

And blogmeeters, I will finalise details for Friday 11th upon my return. It looks like we might meet early (from 7pm) to allow for people who need to catch a train/RER home and the bar we choose will have snack options, so that no-one hits the floor before at least 8.30pm.

Okay? Right. Talk amongst yourselves. Nothing to see here…

update: we got here (albeit minus my luggage which arrived ten hours later than I did) and despite it being rather unseasonally chilly, we are still mightily enjoying the change of scenery, lack of pushchair and terrifyingly cholesterol-rich diet. The same, alas, cannot be said for this Spanish-not-quite-qwerty keyboard, which keeps tricking me into putting ñ´s in the most inappropriate places…

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